Midnight Special : Trivia Edition

Hey kids, know what time it is?

We again honor our trivia winner from last week. Go on and see if you can guess who it was. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Figure it out? Well surprise, surprise, surprise! It was Les. I know, I know. Hard to believe. But Les did guess that they were all Oscar winners. Here is your award.

You may now proudly display the “Double Guitar” icon.

With the formalities over we proceed to the night’s festivities.

Good luck.


A Hard Lid’s Gonna Be Called

Walrus came up with this idea.

I whisked off four lines in reply, then he developed it further, and here we are. I finished my verse to accompany his verse. His is the second one, due solely to their positions in the actual song.

I didn’t want it to get buried in the comments an obscure, off-topic post, since the NSA might miss it there. They probably don’t read past headlines. Government workers.

Man, has my computer started running slow again!


Oh, where have you been, my bleary-eyed son?
Oh, where have you been, media darling young one?
I’ve stumbled to my side, snorting parmesan mountains.
I’ve walked from my crimes nearly six crooked decades.
I’ve stomped out the middle between Liberals and Logic.
I’ve been out in front of a dozen bought judges.
I’ve been ten thousand miles in the V(i)P gravy train.
And it’s unheard, it’s a herd, it’s unheard, it’s unheard
Our Dem Card drain’s got it all…

Oh, what did you see, my senile old one?
And what did you see, your dopehead young son?
I saw a unborn baby ended with Planned practice.
I saw a highway of diamonds paid with your taxes.
I saw a black protest with blood that kept drippin’
I saw a room full of transmen with their “hammers” a-bleedin’
I saw a white liberal all covered with masks.
I saw ten thousand Twitters whose tweets were all broken
I saw guns and sharp swords taken from free citizens
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, and it’s a hard
It’s a hard lid’s a-gonna be called.



Possible next collaboration: Joe Biden pro-formaing: “Hard. Dazed. ‘Night.”

Another Dud

Submitted by Slapout:


SJW of Multiple Pronouns Wonders Why GoFundThey Page Has Zero Balance

Clowns To the Left of Me

Submitted by Slapout:


U.S. Supreme Court Decides Third Amendment Allows Soldiers To Be Quartered in All Homes, As Long As Homeowner Pays a Fee and Is Registered

Cites Second Amendent as Precedent

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Straight Line of the Day: Biden to speak out against crime. His idea of crime: …

Biden Will Attempt to Get Ahead of a Summer of Crime Created by the Left
townhall.com | 6/22/2021 | Katie Pavlich

” . . . it is a concern of many Americans, Republicans but also Democrats too, not necessarily through a partisan lens. It was something the President felt was appropriate to speak to and tell the American people what he’s doing to help address,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Monday.

Welcome to IMAO! That’s . . . That’s Probably Close Enough to Frank’s Office

The Great Reset

Submitted by Slapout: