Straight Line of the Day: China’s Going To Be Talking Smack. The Proper Response…

Straight Line of the Day: China’s going to be talkin’ all smashmouth and stuff. The proper response…

Chinese Diplomat Vows To Keep ‘Striking’ at West With Inflammatory Rhetoric: ‘Get Used to It’
American Military News | June 18, 2021 | Ryan Morgan

Lu Shaye, China’s envoy to France, said this week that the old Chinese diplomatic style of “hide your strength and bide your time” has passed and China will instead continue “striking” at western public opinion with open criticism.

“Our striking on diplomatic and public opinion fronts is a form of ‘achieve something,’” Lu said. “I told them our style has changed, and you need to get used to our new style.”

Gee, what changed since January?


  1. Have Xiden intimidate them with the “sinister whisper.” That should do it.

    Tell Hillary that China has mountains of evidence against her.

    Refer to Beijing as “the fake Lock Lidge”, then start laughing.

  2. China’s going to be talkin’ all smash mouth and stuff. The proper response…Learn to speak Chinese and eat with chopsticks and you just might be able to survive what’s coming.

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