Straight Line of the Day: A Nuclear Sub Hit an Underwater Mountain. Other Things We Don’t Know Are Down There: …

Straight Line of the Day: A nuclear sub hit an underwater mountain. Other things we don’t know are down there: …


Navy Probe Finds US Nuclear-Powered Submarine Hit Underwater Mountain
Fox6 News | 11/2/2021

Yokosuka, Japan – A U.S. Navy attack submarine was determined to have hit an uncharted underwater mountain last month, officials said in a statement following an investigation.

A statement issued Monday revealed that the nuclear-powered USS Connecticut struck a seamount ― or underwater mountain.
The incident happened on Oct. 2 in the South China Sea . . . .



  1. They said they hit an uncharted seamount (cuz China just built it). What they didn’t mention was the head of the Kraken China had mounted on it. And we thought those missile launches were “tests”.

  2. Nuclear sub has Huawei all through it. Now, the Chinese would never put its computer chips on a US sub and make a mountain underwater appear to disappear. No, that would be genius. Or stupidity. Depending on which side you’re watching this.

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