Get your bets in?

Hi guys. Got a question for you all. We got the first group of 64 from the 1970s starting next week and I was wondering would you like to pick who you think will emerge as the winner of the group. I can list them and you just post in the comments for an individual guess or I can do a vote poll with all 64. What do you think? Is it worth it? Let me know by January 3rd so I can set it up. I’ll include a simply yes or no poll for all you lurkers that vote but don’t post.

I also want to let you know that the results for the title match will be slightly delayed as I will be traveling and may not make it back early enough to post the results in a timely fashion. My apologies.

Go ahead and vote on it and/or comment.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Should we have a poll to pick who you think will win the Rock 'n Roll Throwdown?
87 votes · 87 answers


  1. Having a poll before it all would be somewhat interesting. The problem is that psychologically, it would lock people into an answer, make them less likely to listen and compare songs, and thus (in a Heisenberg sense) potentially change the result at the end.

  2. It would bias the results, somewhat, but bias will happen anyway. If it doesn’t happen this way, it will happen another way.

    I’ll guarantee you people have voted +5 for a song they couldn’t care less one way or the other about ONLY for the point trying to defeat ANOTHER song that “should not have won” the previous round.

    I know it has because I’ve done it. And I’ll bet dozens (or more) of others have too.

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