Straight Line of the Day: Education D-O-C-T-O-R Jill Is Finding It Difficult To Be First Lady, Because…

Jill Biden Says Being First Lady Is Harder Than She Imagined
Fox News | 12/10/2021 | Maria Lencki

Jill Biden recently revealed that being first lady of the United States is harder than she thought it would be.

In an interview with “CBS Sunday Morning” set to air this weekend, she opened up about the challenges of her role.

“I think it’s a little harder than I imagined,” the first lady said. “It’s not like a job that you do, it’s a lifestyle that you live.”


Straight Line of the Day: Education D-O-C-T-O-R Jill is finding it difficult to be First Lady, because…


  1. You think being a Biden is easy? Money transfers, dollar conversions, dealing with foreign oligarchs has got to be pretty time consuming. She’s probably more tired than Lily after a night with Sheriff Bart.

  2. Education D-O-C-T-O-R Jill is finding it difficult to be First Lady, because…

    Sleepy Joe may be incompetent for many things, but he’s regular as hell! Diaper changing an adult is exhausting.

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