Straight Line of the Day: What Was Achieved By All the Spending on Covid: …

Audit Questions 80% of West Haven [Conn.}’s COVID Expenditures
Associated Press | April 1, 2022

A new forensic audit of more than $1 million in COVID-19 relief funds spent by the city of West Haven indicates approximately 80% of the expenditures should not have been allowed. That doesn’t include the hundreds of thousands of dollars a former state lawmaker and others are accused of stealing from the city.

The problematic expenditures – nearly $900,000 of about $1.13 million reviewed by the auditors – were largely ineligible expenses or lacked sufficient justification and documentation.

West Haven Mayor Nancy Rossi, a Democrat, said in a text message to The Associated Press that she had just received the report and still needed review it.

Straight Line of the Day: What was achieved by all the spending on Covid: …

Cartoons and Memes

“Ahoy Mr. Walrus.”

“Ahoy Miss Welch, a bit nautical today.”

“Nice day for a sail and some memes.”

“Indeed it is, indeed it is. Well shiver me timbers! Let’s get to it!”

“Your timber is shivering?”

“For the last few minutes, certainly.”