19 Fun Facts About Christmas

(from 2012)

  • The beloved holiday icon Santa Claus originally wore a green outfit, which he changed to red after joining the Communist Party.
  • Christmas specials which show Santa’s workshop at the North pole often include penguins. This is factually incorrect, since penguins are native to the SOUTH pole, where, coincidentally, Santa’s evil twin brother Satan Claus has HIS workshop.
  • He mostly makes fruitcakes – the most concentrated form of evil known to man.
  • Tree decorating originated with tree-worshiping Druids, whose modern descendants mostly just whine about globalization and throw garbage cans through windows at Starbucks.
  • If an elf bites you, you become one.
  • Not everyone celebrates Christmas. Jews celebrate Hanukkah, which commemorates some magic oil that burned for 8 days. Oddly, this is not the same “OIIIIIILLLLL!” that the Iraq war was “all about”.
  • The majority of terrorists don’t celebrate Christmas, either. Mostly because they’ve been killed by Americans.
  • Rastafarians celebrate Christmas by smoking marijuana on Christmas Day.
  • And every other day.
  • Santa’s sleigh is pulled by reindeer, which are just like regular deer, except somewhat larger and thus more likely to collapse the roof of your car after they bounce off your hood.
  • Santa’s reindeer can also fly, probably because they’re Rastafarians.
  • The French celebrate Christmas by decorating trees and surrendering to them.
  • The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe originated to allow married men to make out with their mistresses at office parties, and survives today despite the invention of the broom closet.
  • A “Christmas Club” is a savings account in which a person deposits a fixed amount of money regularly to be used at Christmas for shopping. It’s also a stick used to beat up Salvation Army bell-ringers so you can steal their kettles.
  • The Friday after Thanksgiving is the second busiest shopping day of the year. The busiest is “Thank Goodness Gas Stations Sell Roses Day”, AKA “Valentine’s Day”.
  • Before settling on the name “Tiny Tim” for the character’s name in “A Christmas Carol”, Charles Dickens also considered such names as Feeble Frank, Crippled Carl, Defective Dan, Hobbling Harry, and Mutilated Marvin.
  • Eggnog is a traditional holiday beverage made from eggs and named after the sound people make after having one too many of them.
  • Christmas was once a moveable feast celebrated at many different times during the year. The choice of December 25 was made by Pope Julius I in the 4th century A.D. so that he could get the day off to go skiing.
  • Some families open their presents on Christmas Eve. Some families open their presents on Christmas morning. This or slavery was the cause of the Civil War.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go get the roof of my car replaced.


  1. “The majority of terrorists don’t celebrate Christmas, either. Mostly because they’ve been killed by Americans.”

    But mainly because they are Muslims.

    “Santa’s reindeer can also fly, probably because they’re Rastafarians.”

    Except Rudolph who is a cokehead.

    “The French celebrate Christmas by decorating trees and surrendering to them.”

    John Cleese once remarked, “The reason the French have so many Civil Wars is so they could win one every once in a while.

  2. Reindeer are domesticated and used as draft animals in northern Europe. Unlike the American variety that will take out your hood, grill, radiator, headlights and windshield, and then get up and walk away.

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