26 and 43

There are a couple of birthdays today of people important to me. But important for way different reasons. And in way different worlds.

In real life, my daughter turns 26 today.

And, if my online life, one of the bloggers for whom I have the utmost respect turns 43 today: yes, Harvey, we remembered.

Harvey may or may not have a post up today. Update: he does. And, his last one at his blog was a real serious one for 9/11. So, I’m unsure if I should wish him happy birthday here, or at his blog. I may do both.

But, now, it’s your problem. To figure out how to tell Harvey “happy birthday.” I’m sure you’ll think of something.


  1. Happy birthday: I would agree that these are the two most important birthdays today. Well with competition from the lady who founded Planned Parenthood and Amy Winehouse you guys are kinda at an advantage. It’s like boxing a paraplegic.

  2. The Marine is still interested (and causing grief. That NEVER happens!) =P

    [Ah. Marine. I should have remembered.

    In that case: Son, you’re on your own; you won’t need me to protect you from her. – B]

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