Friday Classic Funny

“Good evening all. A little bit of a surprise for you tonight. As you may, or may not, know. Mr. Walrus is away on vacation so lots of things are on hiatus including the FCF. But there is still something going on. We wanted to ask all you loyal posters of IMAO for your opinion. What do you like best about IMAO? What would you change? What might we try? What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen Swallow? Please take the time and be honest, nothing will happen to you. Well, I do hear that you might have The Emu pay you a visit for a little “yakking”. How bad can that be? So have at it and Mr. Walrus will return later in May.”


  1. I like the straight line. I like the memes. I like the musical interludes.

    I’ll try and think of other features that might be entertaining. I’m just not that clever.

    Mindless humor, interesting things that happen around the world.
    Humorous responses to said interesting things.
    BBQ, WWII, stupid videos, dry humor.
    Humorous responses to explosions

    I guess it’s kind of a tall order. I know you guys work hard and I’m sure a guest blogger would make it easier putting content out there. I don’t know what that would involve.

  2. What do I like best? The Friday Funny! Other than that, just keep on rockin’ … overall, IMAO is a great site for days when I want to say screw the serious politics; lets just take some time to laugh at things (including OURSELVES) for a little while … So, I’d say there’s really no need for any big changes … maybe just a tweak here or there … possibly more Basil and a little less Basil … that’s about it!

  3. A lot has been said and I’m not gonna repeat it.
    In addition, the Rock and Roll Throwdown has been very good and brutal.
    Making us choose between two songs we love is hard.
    I always liked “I’m Not in Love” by 10CC but I didn’t think anyone else really did.
    This was great.
    Do it with movies, too.
    Blade Runner or Alien? The Unforgiven or Tombstone?
    I’ll be your Huckleberry

  4. Stop including ugly women in your Babesleaga surveys; and get rid of the Rock and Roll Throwdown – too long, and I have to scroll and scroll to see the next post. This was a good site when Frank J. was here. I miss “Random Thoughts”.

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