Straight Line of the Day: The New York Times Has Announced a New Editor-in-Chief. What Clinched the Interview?

Straight Line of the Day: The New York Times has announced a new Editor-in-Chief. What clinched the interview?



  1. A doctor’s note diagnosing severe, advanced TDS, coupled with a stated desire to date AOC and that he is a frequent caller to The Frasier Crane radio show.. (Hmmm, sounds like someone who’s just some criminal behavior away from a Kennedy Profiles in Courage award.)

  2. Not everyone could pull a CCP members card out of their back pocket on demand …

    ..and they knew he/she/it would please China as he/she/it had Comeofsome Yung Guy on his/her/ying/yang chin….

  3. Google Translate.

    Mutual contempt with the disparate groups he represents and those they wallow in muck and mire with to defeat Whitey.

    The Devil, you know, and his arbitration required no souls to sell.

    The promise of post gender reassignment title change to editor-in-squaw.

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