Straight Line of the Day: What’s Brian Stelter Going To Do After CNN Dumps Him?

Courtesy of FormerHostage:

It looks like Brian Stelter’s days are numbered. What’s he going to do after CNN dumps him?

Stunt double for the StayPuff marshmallow man in the next Ghost Busters remake.


Six words: Would you like fries with that?


  1. He’ll become a driver for Skip the Dishes..sadly he’ll brag too often that ” I use to be a Big Deal once..”” ..restaurants will complain..and it will be time again to
    …move on..

  2. Become the boy who cried Wolf Blitzer. One day he tells the truth and nobody believes him.

    Put on suicide watch, pay-per-view subscriptions exactly equal to those of Fox News viewers who skip Hannity that night.

    When Stelter gets canned he will get second billing in 700 cans of store brand chicken and dumplings.

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