Straight Line of the Day: In What Way Are YOU Defying the End of the Mandate?

Courtesy of FormerHostage:

With the striking down of the mask mandate on airlines, many libs are posting pictures of them ‘defiantly’ wearing a mask anyway.

Straight Line of the Day: In what way are YOU defying the end of the mandate?

I am defiantly going to wear pants to the grocery!Despite all the choices at my favorite bar, I am going to defiantly drink Guinness!


  1. To defy the end of the mask mandate I refuse to acknowledge anyone not wearing a mask.

    I also refuse to acknowledge anyone who is wearing a mask – but that’s just because I’m a cat.

  2. I refuse to stop hyperventilating at the grocery store as I throw every last package of toilet paper in my cart. Then run with the cart to the check out line as panicky as possible.

  3. Keep a mask in your pocket that has a deliberate tear visible in the mouth area..when you are about to enter a maskers area..put it on and watch them panic.. then lose their sh#t..if they approach to”help”..after they point out the hole..just say..” oh well then arent even mandatory anymore”…pull it ..and listen for their little liberal hearts breaking..

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