Mika What’s-Her-Meme Flaunts Breasts, Talks About Something or Other

Didn’t quite catch what she was saying.




Have You Seen This One?

Straight Line of the Day: Limerick Time!

Walrus went on vacation
Making the exclamation:
“Due to a plebiscite
From IMAO’s webicite…”

Cartoons and Memes

“Hi Mr. Walrus, good to have you back. I dressed specially for you today.”

“So I can see, so I can see. I hope the memes are as revealing.”


“Never mind, on to the memes!”


We promised Walrus his office would be just as he left it when he gets back.

We did have to take a peek inside that file cabinet, though.


The laser light in the mirror is to distract DamnCat.