Friday Classic Funny

“Hi Mr. Walrus, just came down from research and there wasn’t any Classic Funny to pick up. Is something wrong?”

“No Miss Munro, nothing wrong. We are ending the Friday Classic Funny.”

“Oh dear, won’t the natives get restless?”

“Probably, but let the Emu take care of that. What we are announcing today is a new Friday feature.”

“Oh Goody!”

“Yes. Next Friday we will begin our Movie Throwdown where we will force our people to choose between 2 movies until there is only One!”

“The Highlander?”

“Maybe, maybe not but we are going to find out!”

“I can’t wait!”

“Neither can I.”

Last Actor From “Children of the Corn” Finally Surrenders After 38 Years

Straight Line of the Day: Ultra-IMAO Would Be…

Joe Biden Loses It, Screams At Electricians Over Food Shortages, Gives Trump An Amazing New Nickname | 5/12/2022 | Zack Budryk

Yelling at the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers’ International Convention, Biden attempted to place all the blame on the shoulders of both former President Donald Trump and his followers, which the President deemed the MAGA crowd.

Straight Line of the Day: Ultra-IMAO Would Be…

IMAO Headquarters Are Springing Up Everywhere!