Saturday Night Hootenanny

“Howdy boys. Time is a bit tight tonight so we replay an oldie for ya.”

Straight Line of the Day: Why Is Janet Yellen?

‘Liberal Logic’ And Other Things That Don’t Exist | May 12, 2022 | Derek Hunter

Democrats are insane. We know this, they can’t hide it. They’re also evil. They used to hide this, but can’t or won’t anymore. Whatever the case, the curtain has been pulled back. But unlike the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz, Democrats aren’t even bothering to try to close the curtain, they’re quite proud of it. Good for them, I guess, but better for the rest of us – we can see these people for who and what they are. It ain’t pretty.

The Treasury Secretary, former chair of the Federal Reserve (and someone I assume identifies as a woman, though you wouldn’t know it by the voice) Janet Yellen, testified in Congress this week and the subject of abortion came up. If you’re wondering why the Treasury Secretary was asked about abortion you are not alone. You also haven’t been paying attention.

Straight Line of the Day: Why is Janet Yellen?

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