Babesleaga Group O : Night Session : Mia Sara vs Sean Young

The final session for the week.

Mia Sara vs Sean Young

Mia Sara


Sean Young

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128 votes · 128 answers

Babesleaga Group O : Evening Session : Kathryn Hahn vs Kristie Alley

Good evening.

Kathryn Hahn vs Kristie Alley

Kathryn Hahn


Kristie Alley

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Who do you prefer?
127 votes · 127 answers

Babesleaga Group O : Afternoon Session : Jami Gertz vs Kat Dennings

Good afternoon.

Jami Gertz vs Kat Dennings

Jami Gertz


Kat Dennings

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Who do you prefer?
140 votes · 140 answers

Straight Line of the Day: Overheard in a Liberal Planning Session: …

Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that once would have seemed unimaginable.

The common denominator in all of this is ideology overruling empiricism, common sense, and pragmatism. Ruling elites would rather be politically correct failures and unpopular than politically incorrect, successful, and popular.

Is not that the tired story of left-wing revolutionaries from 18th-century France to early 20th-century Russia to the contemporary disasters in Cuba and Venezuela?

Victor Davis Hanson, “Imagine the Unimaginable” | 5/11/22

Straight Line of the Day: Overheard in a liberal planning session: …


As you all know, I get all my news from Raquel, the Emu, Star Trek (the original series), the internet, and nowhere else.


This saves a lot of time, since everywhere else is full of hippies and the extremely popular Chris Wallace.


Anyway, here is wisdom I copied from the internet that I think ought to be understood.  Your mileage may vary. Your compliance may not.


Nationalism for USA: Bad
Nationalism for Ukraine: Good

Sovereign borders for USA: Bad
Sovereign borders for Ukraine: Good

Stopping Russian pipelines to destroy Russian Economy: Good
Stopping American pipelines to destroy American Economy: Good

Are any of you missing Psaki as much as I am?

Babesleaga Group O : Morning Session : Bonnie Bedelia vs Daryl Hannah

I’m back, and so is the Babesleaga. Did you miss us? On to the opening match of the new group.

Bonnie Bedelia vs Daryl Hannah

Bonnie Bedelia


Daryl Hannah

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134 votes · 134 answers