
We promised Walrus his office would be just as he left it when he gets back.

We did have to take a peek inside that file cabinet, though.


The laser light in the mirror is to distract DamnCat.


  1. Little will he know that I installed a real fireplace behind the picture of a fireplace before returning the picture to it’s original position. 40 years from now when you allow him to retire, we’ll have a retirement party in his office. I’ll remove the picture and light a real fire.

    That’ll gettem!

  2. Way off to the right you can just see the edge of the extremely comfortable stuffed intern’s chair.

    Short skirts mandatory.

    Interviewer’s chair strategically placed.

    Phone also strategically placed, to be picked up and yelled into:
    “I don’t want to be disturbed!”
    {Voice on the other end:} “Who does?”
    (h/t Cheers)

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