As you all know, I get all my news from Raquel, the Emu, Star Trek (the original series), the internet, and nowhere else.


This saves a lot of time, since everywhere else is full of hippies and the extremely popular Chris Wallace.


Anyway, here is wisdom I copied from the internet that I think ought to be understood.  Your mileage may vary. Your compliance may not.


Nationalism for USA: Bad
Nationalism for Ukraine: Good

Sovereign borders for USA: Bad
Sovereign borders for Ukraine: Good

Stopping Russian pipelines to destroy Russian Economy: Good
Stopping American pipelines to destroy American Economy: Good

Are any of you missing Psaki as much as I am?


  1. The best part is…we who find fault with the above situations have all been given a promotion! Now I (and millions of others) are no longer just lowly Deplorables…. we are now ULTRA-MAGA!! Lets go Branden!!!

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