Straight Line of the Day: It’s Time for Congress To Approve Another $40 Billion For Ukraine, So…

Straight Line of the Day: It’s time for Congress to approve another $40 billion for Ukraine, so…


  1. It’s Time for Congress To Approve Another $40 Billion For Ukraine, So…

    just add some earmarks for humanitarian aid at the border, impose an assault weapon ban, expand the Supreme Court, confiscate Big Oil assets, and then you’ve got something…

  2. So lets review the voters list for 2020 and for every deceased person that voted we should deduct 10 million from the 40 billion..should balance out to 0 dollars going overseas…

  3. It’s Time for Congress To Approve Another $40 Billion For Ukraine, So…
    after the bot audit, Joe and the Family can counter the Musk bid for twitter.

    Just an Aside – heard the bot audit is being conducted by Dominion, the stalwart of counting machines and overseen by the pro-Georgia candidate, and master of the count, Stacy “The Tank” Abrams

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