Straight Line of the Day: Global Warming Has Begun for the Summer! Experts Predict…

Inconvenient Truth for Globalists: Arctic Ice at 30-Year High / Data Contradict Connection With Rising Levels of CO2 | 5/25/2022 | Art Moore

This week, as WEF convenes is annual conference in Davos, Switzerland, the Arctic sea ice expanse so far this month is at a 30-year high, according to data from intergovernmental European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites…

Straight Line of the Day: Global Warming has begun for the summer! Experts predict…


  1. Real wrath-of-God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…
    The dead rising from the grave!
    Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together – MASS HYSTERIA!

  2. …drenching downpours, of sweat, at pro-abortion marches. Stacey Abrams forced to wear a lifeboat to attend.

    …the people who act up in hell will be punished with time spent in Martha’s Vineyard.

    …Science! proves warming is caused by suns rays reflected off White people towards minority neighborhoods.

  3. BREAKING NEWS… Due to global warming POTUS Joe Biden has had to switch to Orange Sherbet as it uses less milk ergo less cow farts..states the best is on the west coast so he will travel there by Air Foce One each weekend during the summer of 2022…

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