Straight Line of the Day: Other Things Leaked From the Supreme Court’s Inner Sanctum: …

Straight Line of the Day: Other things leaked from the Supreme Court’s inner sanctum: …


      • It wasn’t intended to be obscure… but oh well.

        There have always been rumors (probably mostly false) that Lucas wrote all 9 episodes and simply chose to start filming with 4/5/6 because he thought they would get more viewers than 1/2/3. I had a friend in college who claimed he owned a sealed copy of all 9 original scripts, and it was “worth more” as sealed. I figure odds are 99.999% he got scammed.

        But 7 was horrible, 8 I refused to watch at all, and 9 I only watched because I had friends and I went with them (not because I gave a hoot anymore about Disney Wars).

        So if the “original” scripts were to leak, IM(A)O that would be a good thing. Especially if they were actually written in the 70s, by definition they’d have to be less insane than what we got from WokeMouse.

        • I doubt the legend. I have nothing to go on, but I imagine it was hard enough to come up with Star Wars and see if it was marketable to a studio.

          Wouldn’t that be the focus of all his energies?

          As an author, Lucas may have imagined a backstory or two, to keep him on track. Where C3PO and R2D2 had come from, for example. . . What the history of the use of the Force had been. (My legend is that he originally planned to call it “The Fonz.”) That sort of thing.

          He probably sketched out, to satisfy his own curiosity, the relationship between Luke’s Jedi father and his adoptive parents, and that there was stuff that Obi-Wan wasn’t saying, but not in the level of detail that other following scriptwriters would invent.

          In My Awesome Opinion.

          Never watched past the third one (“Episode 6.”)

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