Straight Line of the Day: So What Are YOU Doing To Threaten National Security?

Biden’s Disinformation Chief Nina Jankowicz: Online Mockery of Kamala Harris a Threat to Democracy and National Security
Breitbart | April 29th, 2022 | Charlie Spiering

President Joe Biden’s new disinformation chief Nina Jankowicz argued online mockery of Vice President Kamala Harris and other women in public life was a threat to national security.

“Platforms and governments aren’t doing enough,” she wrote on social media. “It’s time to act. Our national security and democracy are at stake.

The Department of Homeland Security announced the creation of the new Disinformation Governance Board led by Jankowicz on Wednesday.

Jankowicz argued that Congress should create new laws to block mockery of women online, citing the volume of “gender disinformation” used to criticize Harris.

“Congress should reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and include provisions against online gender-based harassment,” Jankowicz wrote in a WIRED article highlighting the “abusive content” sent on social media to women in public life.

Straight Line of the Day: So What Are YOU Doing To Threaten National Security?



  1. When asked if I had found something mean to say about Michelle Obama I replied: Not Yeti.

    As for Nina Jankowicz, you really can put lipstick on a pig. You can also put a dress on Bronko Nagurski, apparently.

  2. I’m keeping my gazillion watt flood lamps on all night, every night just to spite
    the newly created Dept. of Climate Justice. Don’t provoke me or I’ll light up that pile of tires in the back yard too.

  3. I would assume these same laws/rules/edicts would apply to online mockery and other meanness aimed at Marjorie Taylor Greene, Melania Trump, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Sarah Palin, etc.?

    Even if applied equally, these are really stupid and dangerous ideas.

  4. I mind my own business, know there’s only two genders, still try to follow the scout law, and get frustrated at the price of ammo.

    Ahem… although that list part is simply out of nostalgia as all my guns were lost in an unfortunate boating accident.

  5. Lets just say this hogwash is a non starter when a Supreme Court Justice can’t even tell us what a woman is…I knew it would come back and bite them..zem/zee/ breaks/mofos….

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