Straight Line of the Day: Also Coming Out of the Russians’ Victory Day Parade: …

Putin to Send ‘Doomsday’ Warning to West at Russia’s WW2 Victory Parade
US News | 5/6/2022

A fly-past over St. Basil’s Cathedral will include supersonic fighters, Tu-160 strategic bombers and, for the first time since 2010, the Il-80 “doomsday” command plane, which would carry Russia’s top brass in the event of a nuclear war, the Defence Ministry said.

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The Kremlin did not respond to requests for comment on what Putin might say in his speech, to be delivered from the Red Square tribune in front of Vladimir Lenin’s Mausoleum.

Straight Line of the Day: Also coming out of the Russians’ Victory Day parade: …


  1. Blood, sweat, tears and a thermobaric shart.

    Pelosi-Schumer Ragtime Marching Orders Band.

    This year all participants are marching backwards, carrying dead officers.

    As the nukes rolled by, Putin’s doctors discovered another lump, under his blanket.

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