Straight Line of the Day: The White House Has Announced That Joe Biden Will Enter the Tour de France, and…

Straight Line of the Day: The White House has announced that Joe Biden will enter the Tour de France, and…


  1. … put his bike in first gear going downhill. C’mon, man!

    … use that creepy Vespa of his.

    … claim that anyone who opposes him “ain’t Blacque, Jacques.”

    … plagiarize the acceptance speech of last year’s winner. Which is easily checkable.

  2. {Q: Why is IMAO still allowed to remain on the web, with all this disinformation???}

    Always Read the Comments: Beijing Requires Oversight of All Reader-Generated Chat
    The Register (UK) | Mon 20 Jun 2022 | Simon Sharwood

    The Cyberspace Administration of China has announced a policy requiring all comments made to websites to be approved before publication.

    Those teams will be required to review each and every comment before it is published, and – if they detect “illegal and bad information” – report it to the Administration.

  3. The White House has announced that Joe Biden will enter the Tour de France, and…

    …Aterwards he will reminisce about how much it has changed since his first one back in 1903…

  4. Pop a tire due to over inflation….OR

    Magically all the other competitors will suddenly wake up to find all their bikes stolen…Joe will almost win by default until he goes the exact opposite direction to what is required..

  5. …improve his chances by throwing all the straight white competitors under a bus.

    …have his “spokesperson” ignore his complete, utter failure and humiliation.

    …win by backpedaling for four years.

  6. . . . look for his Amtrak conductor.

    . . . remind onlookers of the guy on Laugh-In on the tricycle wearing a raincoat who keeps falling over.

    . . . will add Build Bike Better to his ever expanding, voluminous list of failures.

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