Straight Line of the Day: So What’s Your Excuse for Missing the IMAO Juneteeth Potluck at Corporate Global HQ?

Straight Line of the Day: So what’s your excuse for missing the IMAO Juneteeth Potluck at Corporate Global HQ?



  1. I ran out of gas! I got a flat tire! I didn’t have change for cab fare! I lost my tux at the cleaners! I locked my keys in the car! An old friend came in from out of town! Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!

  2. So What’s Your Excuse for Missing the IMAO Juneteeth Potluck at Corporate Global HQ?

    My neighbor blew their hand off lighting fireworks to celebrate our national independence and the ambulance was blocking my car.

    • Thus, I’m guessing that this coming weekend . . . we’ll have to dock that Alaskan a day’s pay? You know that how much you get paid here could feud [sic] a family of ten for a year.

      {I couldn’t think of any slang nicknames for Alaskans to plug into the quote. Got any?}

      Straight Line of Some Other Day: An Newly-Invented Nickname for Alaskans: …

      … “Close to Hawaii Five-O. But not quite.”

      … “Ya Wanna Talk Cold?”

      … “My Internal Combustion Engine? Molon Labe.”

      … “Incontinentals”

      … “Fiercely Independen . . . BEAR!”

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