Straight Line of the Day: Democrats’ Probable Reaction to the Supreme Court’s Ruling on Roe v. Wade: …

Straight Line of the Day: Democrats’ probable reaction to the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade: …


{Note to DamnCat and Gene: I moved that Straight Line which I accidentally posted at midnight to tomorrow. Oops.}


  1. Well, instead of writing laws in their own states to align abortion practices (or prohibition of) with the will of the people represent, they will write laws to pack the SC with enough constitutionally ignorant, bench legislating puppets to overturn the overturn.

    • Point well taken…the Dems are all upset and long faced these days because they can no longer abort babies. However, thanks to the Biden baby formula shortage, they can still starve them to death. The Democrats…getting rid of unwanted humans since 1973.

  2. But their baddest dude, Mengele Fauci, will console himself that he still can’t hear the silent screams of beagle puppies he’s having tortured, because he had their vocal cords removed.

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