Straight Line of the Day: Softball Questions for Jean-Pierre: …

Courtesy of Gumbeaux:

At today’s press lie-fest, Karine Jean-Pierre was whining, “No easy questions today, huh?” Not that she could answer those either. Since she is obviously not as skilled as Little Red Lying Hood, can we come up with some softball questions she is capable of answering?

For example,
“Are you smarter than a fifth grader?”

“If I ask a not-easy question, how many phobias am I guilty of?”

“Do you feel bad making over $15,000 a month with little to no discernable IQ?”

Straight Line of the Day: Softball Questions for Jean-Pierre: …


  1. Instead of reading unrelated answers from your notebook, can you just give us copies so we can leave?

    Can we have a list of anyone in the Bidiot administration who was hired based on qualifications? Shouldn’t take long, right?

    Given your sophomoric readings each day, how long until you are fetching coffee at MSNBC?

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