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Straight Line of the Day: The Large Hadron Collider Is Up to 13.6 Trillion Electronvolts. With 1.6 Billion Proton-Proton Collisions Per Second, That’s Enough Power…

Large Hadron Collider Revs Up to Unprecedented Energy Level
MSN.com | 03 July 2022

Starting Tuesday it will run around the clock for nearly four years at a record energy of 13.6 trillion electronvolts …”We aim to be delivering 1.6 billion proton-proton collisions per second.”

Straight Line of the Day: The Large Hadron Collider is up to 13.6 trillion electronvolts. With 1.6 billion proton-proton collisions per second, that’s enough power…


Cartoons and Memes

“Why Miss Welch you seem to be enjoying the beach today.”

“It’s great, but a little bit chilly.”

“So I can see. You got the memes?”

“Left them on your desk. Some older ones, but they check out.”

“Great, then I will leave you to your fun.”