Biden Promotes Busing; Removes Gasoline From Busses


  1. Speaking of gasoline, did anyone else notice Frank J’s recent email about great video games?

    Then you’ll notice (as should anyone) that he did not include Battlefield Bad Company 2?


    Personally I think he excluded it just to get people riled up. Well brother, it worked!

  2. The wheels on the bus went round and round, then the fuel prices just never came down,
    Mostly cause of an elderly clown,
    Turning all the taps off..

    Then the elderly clown went to the land of sand,
    Cap in hand, begged “C’mon man”..
    He was told he could go jump,
    And up his butt with the phony fist bump..

    So the clown released Kamala on Iran,
    She spoke and spoke, no one could stand,
    They put her on a ship packed with crude,
    Said thanks for the uranium, they were’nt rude.
    So the wheels on the bus went round and round..
    For three days..The End

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