Remember Belgium? I Mean: Remember Belgium!!!!11111!!

Heh. Belgium.  Remember them?


  1. Yes, remember Belgium:

    -A neutral nation invaded in 1914 when it refused to give German troops permission to transit its territory to invade France.
    -A nation whose neutrality was guaranteed by Britain, whose invasion triggered British entry into the Great War.
    -A tiny nation that fought bravely to preserve its sovereignty, suffering heavy casualties as its border fortresses were pounded into rubble by 18-inch howitzer fire.
    -A nation that suffered for its defiance: the town of Louvain near the fortress of Liege looted and burned, along with the library of the university there, by the German invaders to terrorize the civilian population of Belgium.
    -A nation that saw civilian men, women, and children lined up and shot by the German invaders in reprisal for the acts of the francs-tireurs. 6,000 killed during the invasion; 17,000+ died in captivity; 3,000 killed by electric fences erected by the Germans; 120,000 taken into forced labor — slavery — half of which were transported to Germany.

    Yes. Remember Belgium.

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