Straight Line of the Day: Everyone in the Biden Administration Says the Economy Is Doing Great. You Can Tell It Is Because..

Straight Line of the Day: Everyone in the Biden Administration says the economy is doing great. You can tell it is because..


  1. . . for the Biden administration, it is great. Where else could they find jobs that overpay them this well? They wouldn’t last five minutes in the private sector given their level of deceit and incompetence.

  2. …shoplifter’s limo drivers formed their own union. Bank robbers have to make two trips to keep keep the demand above the supply, then ask for an inflation adjusting loan. New York City homeless junkies are subletting when they stay at their cardboard box in the Hamptons. The White House can afford to print Joe’s instructions on both sides. I caught Grandma eating Fancy Feast instead of 9 Lives.

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