Straight Line of the Day: The Large Hadron Collider Is Up to 13.6 Trillion Electronvolts. With 1.6 Billion Proton-Proton Collisions Per Second, That’s Enough Power…

Large Hadron Collider Revs Up to Unprecedented Energy Level | 03 July 2022

Starting Tuesday it will run around the clock for nearly four years at a record energy of 13.6 trillion electronvolts …”We aim to be delivering 1.6 billion proton-proton collisions per second.”

Straight Line of the Day: The Large Hadron Collider is up to 13.6 trillion electronvolts. With 1.6 billion proton-proton collisions per second, that’s enough power…



  1. Well ackshully:

    Power is energy over time, so don’t have enough information to talk about that.

    A regular old volt is energy over charge. It is a unit that means 1 joule of energy per 1 coulomb of charge. A coulomb is the charge of 6.24 x 10^18 electrons. (a lot of electrons)

    An electron volt is the energy required to give 1 electron 1 volt of potential. It’s a small amount. 1.602 × 10^-19 joules. A trillion is just 10^12 so that still leaves us at less than a joule. Not a heck of a lot of energy.

    To figure out power, I’d need to know how much energy is moving through the system over time. Amperes is a unit that describes charge over time in coulombs per second. If we knew amperes, you can then multiply energy over charge (volts) by charge over time (amps). The charge cancels out and you get energy over time (watts).

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