Straight Line of the Day: Biden’s Idea of a Discussion Is…

‘Doesn’t Sound Like A Recession To Me’: Joe Biden Downplays Economic Woes As U.S. Enters Recession
The Daily Wire | Jul 28, 2022 | Tim Pearce

President Joe Biden suggested that the U.S. economy was not in a recession Thursday despite new economic data showing that the U.S. has entered a recession.

Biden spoke at the White House, touting economic data showing a growing labor market and some new investments. Biden also advocated for the passage of the CHIPS Act and Inflation Reduction Act in Congress, claiming that both would boost economic growth.

“That doesn’t sound like a recession to me,” Biden said, wrapping up his comments and leaving the podium without taking questions.

Straight Line of the Day: Biden’s idea of a discussion is…


  1. “One of the things that I find is… I look at… I take it very seriously… The American people and the economy… I started thinking about it… You know, we were able to with the Rescue Plan, we sent them a check… I mean a check. One beyond that. It helped save a lot of people,” said Biden.

    “I started thinking about it. Somebody’s who’s raising a middle-class kid, one year, even though you didn’t have the job you had now… The difference between having a job and a five percent raise… In the face of inflation… It’s like, whoa, then again, I did get a check! Does that make any sense to anybody? Or is it just me?”

    “IS JOE OKAY? Biden Launches into 90 Second Incoherent Rant, Asks if He’s ‘Making Sense to Anybody’
    The First TV | July 28, 2022

  2. Ahh, but the strawberries! That’s – that’s where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with – geometric logic – that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist! And I’d have PRODUCED that key if they hadn’t’ve pulled the Caine out of action! I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers –

  3. Mr. President..we need the launch codes..
    Joe: I’ll have two of the #5 spring rolls, the #34 beef chow mein, the #12 Cantonese rice and a Pepsi..
    Mr. President..launch codes..LAUNCH!…

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