Saturday Night Hootenanny

“Howdy boys it’s another Saturday night and it time to get this party started. We got Part 3 of the Walrus Tapes for you tonight. Enjoy.”

Welp — As I’ve Said Before: ‘Bye.

Huge, Potentially Disruptive Sunspot Will Swing Round To Face Earth This Weekend
livescience | 08/05/2022 | Jamie Carter

The spot is so big it’s changing the way the sun vibrates, according to

Promoted Comment: C’mon Man, the Barbarian

Per zzyzx:

Q. Joe, what is best in life?

A. To tax your enemies. See them driven to poverty before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.

Female Straight Line of the Day: Never Mind. If You Don’t Already Know What It Is, Fine.

Female Straight Line of the Day: Never mind. if you don’t already know what it is, fine.