Brittney Griner Evades Two Years of Biden Socialism

Fellow Leftists Jealous

Resent Use of Word “Fellow”

Fellow Prisoners Amused

Newly-Funded IRS Navy Phones Couple on 35′ Bayliner To Verify They Have Declared Every Single Fish They Caught Today

. . . including squid.

Sufficiently Succinct

Where we are:

Record inflation is “zero inflation.” A decline in GDP for two consecutive quarters is not a recession. COVID is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The border is closed. Men can give birth. White supremacists are America’s greatest threat. The vote in 2020 was the “most secure election” in American history. Soft-on-crime policies reduce crime. And the Afghanistan pullout was an “extraordinary success.”

— Will Alexander, “Afghanistan: Biden’s Most-Telling ‘Illusion’-The mental state of crowds manipulated by political theatrics.” Frontpagemagazine | Aug 18, 2022


One might add, “Biden is a strong, vibrant, decisive leader with a string of successes, respected around the world.”

San Francisco Approaches Goal of “Climate Justice”

Those people are the next to go.

Don’t Stand So Close To Me

Courtesy of Seanmahair (including the final quote):


Lehi, UTAH (KUTV) — A teacher at Lehi High School who was caught on video making statements in class about masks and vaccines, politics, and former President Donald Trump is no longer an employee of the school district.

“Alpine School District has concluded our investigation of the incident that occurred on August 17, 2021 at Lehi High School,” said a statement from the district Wednesday afternoon. “Although the details of a personnel investigation are confidential, the teacher involved is no longer an employee of Alpine School District.”

… on the first day of school. The teacher’s comments were seen by many as aggressive and bullying toward the students.

“I am like so over it. I will be super proud of you if you choose to get the vaccine,” Kinyon said.

She went on to say she hates Donald Trump, that he “sucks,” and that he is a “literal moron.”

“Go tattle on me to the freaking admins. They don’t give a crap,” the teacher said.

The teacher also urged students to turn off Fox News during a discussion of masks and vaccines.

“This is my classroom and if you guys are going to put me at risk, you are going to hear about it,” she said. “I have to be here and I don’t have to be happy about the fact that there are kids coming in here with their variants that could get me or my family sick. That’s rude. And I am not going to pretend like it’s not. So don’t ask me to.”

She also questioned the intelligence of the students’ parents.

“Most of y’all parents are dumber than you. I am going to say that out loud. My parents are freaking dumb and the minute I figured that out, the world opens up. You don’t have to do everything your parents say and you don’t have to believe everything your parents believe, because most likely you are smarter than them.”

The teacher also warned students not to say anything derogatory to students are who are LGBTQ+.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Straight Line of the Day: To Keep All These IRS Agents Busy, We’ll…

IRS: Gestapo in the Making-The Police Powers of the 87,000 New Taxmen

Frontpagemagazine| Aug 8, 2022 | Robert Spencer

Biden’s handlers are tackling the real problem facing America today: they’re expanding the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to the extent that, according to the Washington Free Beacon, it will soon be larger “than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined.”

Yes, it’s true. The people who run Joe Biden looked around at their dumpster fire of an administration, and the smoking ruin they have wrought, and decided that what America really needs are tens of thousands of new employees for the IRS.

Straight Line of the Day: To keep all these IRS agents busy, we’ll…

Cartoons and Memes

“Good morning Mr. Walrus. I’m here to cheer you up and give you the memes.”

“I certainly need the cheer and consider me up. Let’s get to the memes.”

“Righty-O sir.”