Biden Raises Your Taxes — And Devotes More Billions to Illegal Immigrants — Yet Again

Can I do this? No? Yes? It’s Mr. Rogers, so I guess that cancels it out. (PG / R vs. G, that is.)


  1. Biden is very cunning..wants to clear out “those people” so the only ones that haven’t left are decent hardworking people with jobs and there are no gang members. He will then move there for his retirement..let me see..Costa, they’ll remember Kamala…Panama?…maybe Nicaurauga..

    • Ya know, a Burrito is burrito in Spanish and English. A croissant is a croissant in French and English. So why isn’t English or Spanish or French (etc.) the same in all languages? Habla Espanol. I think I’ll call that Spanish. WTF Mate?

  2. Joe and Hunter are secretly getting the Green Stamps, Air Miles and Kroger points for all the food they have to feed these caravans..Joes saving for a stationary bike and Hunter wants a hot plate to cook ” the good stuff…”

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