Newly-Funded IRS Navy Phones Couple on 35′ Bayliner To Verify They Have Declared Every Single Fish They Caught Today

. . . including squid.


  1. Yo ho, yo ho, an agent’s life for me.
    We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot.
    Drive CPAs batty, yo ho.
    We enforce daffy laws and we don’t give a hoot.
    Write off your expenses , oh no!
    Yo ho, yo ho, an agent’s life for me.
    We extort and pilfer, common sense we do lack
    Requiring more tax forms, yo ho.
    Conflicts in the tax Regs? Yes, we have the knack!
    Causing rivers of red ink, yo ho.
    Yo ho, yo ho, an agent’s life for me!
    We’re rascals and scoundrels, we’re villians and knaves.
    And you just can’t wait ’til we go
    We’re devils and black sheep, we’re really bad eggs.
    Much worse than the folks that you know
    We’re beggars and blighters and ne’er do-well cads,
    But big fun at parties , yo ho.
    Yo ho, yo ho, an agent’s life for me…

  2. The IRS Expansion Provision ought to be known as the Barnacle Bill.

    “Who’s that knocking at my door?”
    “Neil Kinnocking at my door?”
    “Who’s that knocking at my door?”
    Said the fair young maiden.

    “It’s dirty old me all over D.C.”
    Said the Barnacle Bill’s assailer.
    “Now open your book
    And let’s have a look.”
    Said the Barnacle Bill of failure.

    Is Barack Obama the American Neil Kinnock?
    Telegraph | September 20th, 2011 | Nile Gardiner

    When liberal politicians run out of ideas and are sinking in the polls faster than a holed U-boat in the North Atlantic they invariably return to the tired old clichés of class warfare – tax the rich, the wealthy must pay up their “fair share”, ruthless hedge fund managers are earning millions off the backs of the poor, etc. As the president put it while defending his American Jobs Act yesterday, using the term “fair” no less than 13 times.

    Barack Obama reminds me of Michael Foot and Neil Kinnock when they were Labour Party leaders in the 1980s, both out of touch politicians stuck in the language of class war, and devoid of any real ideas to create jobs and generate wealth.

  3. We come on a slippery slope
    See how they rope-a-dope
    Call for the capital, come and take it away
    Sheriff Jonestown
    Why don’t you leave me a crown?
    Well, I feel so broke now, I want a gov home.”

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