Promoted Comment: C’mon Man, the Barbarian

Per zzyzx:

Q. Joe, what is best in life?

A. To tax your enemies. See them driven to poverty before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.


  1. Just wanted the internet to scoop up this meme-worthy meme for the meme-policing NSA, before it causes meme-or-rabble problems in the heartland.

    Or maybe the Post Office will get to it first. (With their taxpayer-funded internet police and nine million rounds of ammunition.)

    Sorry, zzyzx.

  2. Come On Man..nothing is better than getting letters from the families of the J6 citizens I’ve kept falsely imprisoned for ..darn near 20 months now I guess. They say things how I and our judiciary are a whole bunch of things…., traitors..unAmerican..duckbags ..whatever that is..phu they are pissed!..I scan the real good ones and share them with Klaus and Justin..

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