Straight Line of the Day: If Biden Runs in 2024, He’ll Need a Slogan. Suggestions?

Straight Line of the Day: If Biden runs in 2024, he’ll need a slogan. Suggestions?


  1. Remember the a la mode.

    Yer daughters ain’t safe if I’m back on the street.

    Election? Ha! It takes a court order to disinter a body.

    My wife will kill me if I don’t win.

    Need just enough votes so it doesn’t look rigged again.

  2. “Jimmy Carter’s 5th Term!”
    “Thinking Is Overrated”
    “The Hands On Favorite”
    “If You Like My Incompetence, You Can Keep My Incompetence”
    “My Enemies List Isn’t Complete Yet”
    “Greatest Voter Fraud Organization Ever!”
    “12 Consecutive Quarters of GDP Decline Is Not a Recession. C’mon Man”
    Hunter suggested “Pot In Every Chicken”

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