Straight Line of the Day: Trust the Science! Also Recently Revealed: …

French Scientist’s Photo of ‘Distant Star’ Was Actually Chorizo
vice | August 5, 2022 | Sophia Smith Galer

A photo tweeted by a famous French physicist supposedly of Proxima Centauri by the James Webb Space Telescope was actually a slice of chorizo.

Étienne Klein, research director at France’s Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, posted the photo last week, claiming it showed the closest star to the sun.

“This level of detail,” Klein wrote. “A new world is revealed day after day.” But a few days later, Klein revealed that the photo he tweeted was not the work of the world’s most powerful space telescope, as he had in fact tweeted a slice of chorizo sausage.

“According to contemporary cosmology, no object belonging to Spanish charcuterie exists anywhere but on Earth,” he said after apologising for tricking so many people.

Straight Line of the Day: Trust the Science! Also Recently Revealed: …


I see Walrus has already picked up on this story.  Man, those interns don’t miss a thing!


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