Straight Line of the Day: To Keep All These IRS Agents Busy, We’ll…

IRS: Gestapo in the Making-The Police Powers of the 87,000 New Taxmen

Frontpagemagazine| Aug 8, 2022 | Robert Spencer

Biden’s handlers are tackling the real problem facing America today: they’re expanding the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to the extent that, according to the Washington Free Beacon, it will soon be larger “than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined.”

Yes, it’s true. The people who run Joe Biden looked around at their dumpster fire of an administration, and the smoking ruin they have wrought, and decided that what America really needs are tens of thousands of new employees for the IRS.

Straight Line of the Day: To keep all these IRS agents busy, we’ll…


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