Straight Line of the Day: Prediction for August 3, 2023: …

I’m going to make a reminder to check back on this on that date.

Straight Line of the Day: Prediction for August 3, 2023: …


  1. … It is day 273 of the Great Pronoun War… factionalism has hit a new low as several different groups gather to attack a rather hapless man, sitting at a desk in the middle of the street, after he ill-advisedly uttered, “It’s…”.

  2. KJP will state that the definition of recession has been changed to “a fall in GDP in seven successive quarters.” The USA is only at six. She predicts a new definition will take place in three months, and every three months thereafter until January, 2025.

  3. A message from the future:

    August 3, 2023 will be… a Thursday!

    But, by executive order, Thursday is now pronounced “Gluglufruffenin.”

    Don’t ask why.

    This has been a message from the future.

  4. In Breaking News, ex president Joseph R Biden and his son Hunter surrendered today to begin their 20 year and 30 year sentences respectivelly for the crimes they were recently convicted of, including treason. Both new inmates were seen smiling and claimed they were just ” Biden their time” adding their upcoming appeal will see them free. They say they were to be judged by a jury of their peers and yet there were NO multi millionaires on their jury.

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