Female Straight Line of the Day: Never Mind. If You Don’t Already Know What It Is, Fine.

Female Straight Line of the Day: Never mind. if you don’t already know what it is, fine.


  1. I once had a genuine cutie say:
    “If you don’t want to walk to work with me, don’t.”
    “I do.”
    “But if you don’t, don’t.”
    “Why are you arguing with me?”
    I threw my book on the ground.

  2. ..Never Mind..If you don’t already know what the name is..Fine!
    Honey..I know it’s your fun button..and the correct name is “Clamtoris..C.L.A.M.T.O.R.I.S.”…sheesh, what, do you think I’m stupid or something?

  3. “Never mind. if you don’t already know what it is, fine.”

    Ha! Like the sneaky bastards who replaced the gourmet coffee with Folgers crystals, we have similarly switched the context from which this quote originates. This line does not come from a conversation between man and wife, but was in fact stated by a high school history teacher while discussing grades on the final exam. Long story short, yes, the rascal got a diploma.

    • I consider pet hair on clothes such a mark of honor and intelligence that I’m going to change society; and entrepreneurs will start selling small quantities of pet hair that you can sprinkle on your clothes before you leave the house, to attract admiration.

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