Straight Line of the Day: If Guns Got Delivered to Your School, …

Box of Guns Mistakenly Delivered to Delaware County High School | 8\23\22

A box of guns was delivered to a Delaware County high school in what police called an “honest mistake.”

Chester Upland School District Superintendent Dr. Craig Parkinson said they were expecting a delivery of textbooks and supplies for the start of the school year, but instead, something else arrived at the loading dock Friday.

Six guns were inside the package, officials said.

Straight Line of the Day: If guns got delivered to your school, …



  1. Our Solidworks cohort would be drawing up plans for an appropriately engineered end effector. Our additive & subtractive manufacturing cohorts would be setting up their CNC equipment to make the parts. Our robotic team would be saving points and programming the Fanuc arms. Our motor controls & industrial maintenance cohort would be figuring out a belt feed system. Our PLC team would be creating a feedback array for targeting data collection and processing. And the instructional staff would formulate the correct way to tell the dean we were having the students build an automated linear accelerator.

    • Meanwhile the HR department would be frantically writing emails to the legal department to determine if “mad scientist” was an offensive entry in the pronoun section of our email signatures.

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