Biden: Joke (I Should Have Thought of This Initially)

Biden and his support staff walk into a bar . . .

Biden: Joke

Biden: ‘Not a Joke. Not a Joke.’‘I’m Not Joking.’‘Not a Joke.’‘Not a Joke.’‘I’m Not Joking.’‘I’m Not Joking.’‘Not a Joke.’‘Not a Joke.’
Cybercast News Service | August 31, 2022

President Joe Biden delivered a speech at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., on Tuesday in which he insisted nine times that what he had just said was “not a joke” or that he was “not joking.”

“I want to thank your outstanding governor, Tom Wolf. Tom and I have been friends a long time,” said Biden. “He’s truly one of the best governors in the United States of America. Not a joke. Not a joke.”

“I mean, we expect you [police officers] to do everything,” Biden said. “I’m not joking. Everything.”

“My dad used to love to hunt in the Poconos when we lived in Scranton,” Biden said. “How many deer or bear are wearing Kevlar vests, huh? Not a joke.”

“When we disagreed, we disagreed on principle, but we then went and had lunch together,” Biden said. “Not a joke.”

By the way, I might as well state — for the record — that one of the two computers I use to post on IMAO – the one that stopped accepting photos and images last year — has a virus that will not let it boot up, start. So I’m on computer #2. If I go silent, that’s why,

The Media Won’t Show a Wide Shot of the Crowd at a Trump Rally, But for Another Reason.

One More Promoted Comment: Trump’s Hoarded Top Secret Documents Will Reveal the Location of Hillary’s Hoarded Top Secret Documents.

per rodneydill.

Also wanted to get this noticed by the internet search engines before the Babylon Bee. {Sorry about the Clinton hit squads, though, Rodney.  I feel relatively bad about them.}

Promoted Comment: Californians Advised to Eat Only Locally-Pilfered Food

Per Bob B

Wanted to get this noticed by the internet search engines before the Babylon Bee.



PSA: New Orleans Wants You To Have a Plan for Decadence

It’s fun to dicuss “Monkeypox.”


They’re being a bit redundant under “Unlikely”: “Co-worker to co-worker transmission” is pretty much the same as “In a swimming pool, hot tub, or other body of water,” isn’t it?


And, for every line item, they should specify whether it is being done with fully clothed or non-fully clothed people.


Every line item should end with two words: “with monkeys.”

Straight Line of the Day: Ways That Californians Can Conserve Energy: …

California Warns: Here Come the Blackouts, Don’t Charge Your Car
PJ Media | 08/31/2022 | Stephen Green

California’s energy overseer warned of blackouts starting Wednesday and urged residents to “avoid using large appliances and charging electric vehicles, and turn off unnecessary lights.”

The state also wants those thermostats set no lower than 78 degrees.

Called a Flex Alert, the California Independent System Operator says households should “reduce energy use from 4-9 p.m. when the system is most stressed because demand for electricity remains high and there is less solar energy available.”

“The power grid operator,” the notice says, “expects to call on Californians for voluntary energy conservation via Flex alerts over the long weekend.”

Straight Line of the Day: Ways that Californians can conserve energy: …

Green Activists Had Already Triumphed Before SUVs Were Invented?

Seven Million Years Ago, the Oldest Known Early Human Was Already Walking
Smithsonian Magazine | August 24, 2022 | Brian Handwerk

The fossilized find, first uncovered two decades ago, suggests that early humans regularly walked on two feet some seven million years ago… Since many consider bipedalism the major milestone that put our own lineage on a different evolutionary path than the apes, Sahelanthropus could be the very oldest known hominin — the group consisting of modern humans, extinct human species and all of our immediate ancestors.

Well, I think seven million years is long enough to learn how to walk, don’t you?

Cartoons and Memes

“Miss Monroe so good to see you again.”

“Mr. Slapout is very persistent to get these out to IMAO.”

“Is he now?
“Yes sir, quite persistent.”

“Well let us slake his hunger. Post ’em!”