“This whole concept that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guys with a gun, it doesn’t hold up.” — NY Gov. Hochul (D)

Link to Brietbart quote

“So what will? Cops?”

— Kids at Uvalde school.

Remember: Sniffles Works for Sniffer

Anthony Fauci Now Warning of a ‘Pretty Bad Flu Season’
Breitbart | 09/01/2022 | Hannah Bleau

Dr. Anthony Fauci is now warning of a “pretty bad flu season,” urging Americans to get flu shots when they become available this year.

Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation, and chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden, is stepping down after the midterm elections and warned in an interview this week that the U.S. is expected to face a “pretty bad flu season” this year.

Does he, umm, possibly have stock in pharmaceutical companies that produce flu vaccines?

Spam Comment: Kind of Goes Without Saying

I’m no longer sure the place you are getting your information.

TikTok Challenge: Suck Caulk

Why not? It makes as much sense as any other so-called challenge they promote.


And I want to see what censors do with this.

We Win — Sometimes

J.K. Rowling Laughs Last: ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ Collector’s Edition Sells Out Instantly Despite Leftist Boycott
Red State | August 31, 2022 | Brandon Morse

There are few people that those on the woke left hate more than J.K Rowling. The Harry Potter author has become one of the left’s favorite punching bags due to her unwillingness to bend the knee to the transgender activist community.

Rowling refuses to say that women and men are interchangeable and is a fierce advocate for protecting women from the socio-political forces that seek to replace them with confused men. Naturally, this has caused a firestorm of undeserved hatred to fly her way, including demands that anything to do with the wizarding world be shunned and boycotted.

Hilariously, this group of people has been ignored by the rest of the world and Rowling continues to watch products with her name on them fly out the door, with piles of cash growing around her.

Case in point, the widely anticipated game “Hogwarts Legacy,” due out early next year, had opened up pre-orders for its collector’s edition. This pre-order comes with extra digital content, a physical copy of the game in a steel case, and a magic wand that floats on top of a recreation of a spell book. For mega fans of Harry Potter and the game itself, it’s a must-have for collectors.

And they must have wanted it hard enough because the edition sold out instantly. Now, if you want one you’ll have to go through scalpers who have now doubled the price.

As culture site Dexerto noted, this was done in spite of the transgender activist community pushing guilt and shame on people who actually went in for the collector’s edition.


Straight Line of the Day: Now What’s Fauci Going To Do in Retirement?

Straight Line of the Day: Now what’s Fauci going to do in retirement?

Not Exactly News: Japanese Minister Is Light Years Ahead of Joe Biden, Our “Make Sure Kids Listen to the TV — Excuse Me, the Record Player” Phono-President

Japan’s Digital Minister Declares ‘War’ on Humble Floppy Disk in New Digital Push
The Japan Times | August 31, 2022 | Bloomberg

Japan’s digital minister, who’s vowed to rid the bureaucracy of outdated tools from the hanko stamp to the fax machine, has now declared “war” on a technology many haven’t seen for decades — the floppy disk.

The hand-sized, square-shaped data storage item, along with similar devices including the CD or even lesser-known mini disk, are still required for some 1,900 government procedures and must go, digital minister Taro Kono wrote in a Twitter post Wednesday.

“We will be reviewing these practices swiftly,” Kono said in a news conference Tuesday, adding that Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has offered his full support. “Where does one even buy a floppy disk these days?”

A working group of the government’s Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee is considering abolishing such designations to promote online application filing.

The working group has found about 1,900 clauses of laws, government, ministerial and other ordinances stipulating that specific storage devices, such as floppy and magneto-optical disks, be used to make administrative applications and keep data.

Would it be petty of me to ask if he did so without warning on a Sunday morning?



It’s a laugh seeing Eliz. Warren at the presidential debates!

Friday Filler

“Happy Friday Mr. Walrus. Looking foward to the long weekend?”

“Indeed I am Miss Derek. You doing anything special?”

“Just going to kick back and work on my last Summer tan.”

“I look forward to seeing the end results. The process wouldn’t be good to miss either I am sure.”

“You are such a card sir.”

“Indeed I am.”

Supposed President Yells at Country, Insults 75% 0f Them in Totally Convincing Speech — AP, NBC, Reuters

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins: Biden’s Speech Very Political ‘Full Frontal Attack’ on Trump Republicans
Breitbart | 09/01/2022 | Pam Key

CNN chief White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins said Thursday on “Anderson Cooper 360” President Joe Biden’s speech was a “full frontal attack” on “MAGA Republicans.”

Collins said, “It was a very political speech.”


With the Marines behind him.  Odd, Hitlerian, and illegal, that.