FrankJ’s Going Away! Everybody Look Busy!

FBI Announces It Has Thwarted Kidnapping Plot Against Democrat Who Needs Boost in the Polls

Post Office — FBI, Jr. — Announces It Has Intercepted the Usual Routine Death Threats Against Lesser Candidates

Greta (Center of First Boat) Heads to Davos to Make Speech

Newly-Completed IMAO HQ Access Road Deters Unwanted Visitors

Nighttime Unwanted Visits Usually Scheduled

No Kidding, Sherlock!

Study Shows Conversations Rarely End When People Want Them To End | March 2, 2021 |Bob Yirka

I could’ve saved you so many thousands of dollars on this study, Poindexter.

Straight Line of the Day: Letter to the Editor of IMAO: “Dear Sirs: I Would Like To Complain About…”

Straight Line of the Day: Letter to the Editor of IMAO: “Dear Sirs: I would like to complain about…”


[For Walrus, I was going to use the Groucho Marx version: “Gentlemen, question mark.”]

Caption This!