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Batman’s Gotham City Provides Test Case for Community Resilience Model

Colorado State University | | Jan. 5, 2018

“Our mathematical formula allows you to cause disruption to a community at any location, and see what that disruption would do to the entire community,” said Mahmoud, associate professor of civil engineering.

Batman’s home town

To demonstrate the versatility of their model, the team used the fictional city of Batman, Gotham City, as a test bed. They chose a fictional city to provide a proof-of-concept for their model.

They verified their model using a map of the fictional Batman home city. Dividing Gotham into uptown, midtown and downtown, they recorded the effects of various “disasters,” including a jail riot at Arkham Asylum, which is located near uptown Gotham.

. . . as every scientist knows.

Canadian Carens Organizing Truck Blockade of Ottawa To Protest Lifting of COVID Mandates

If They Can Figure Out How To Operate a Stick Shift

“Caudacity”? What About Simpudence?

Diversity officer at Dept of Defense boasted on Twitter about reprimanding a white woman for her ‘CAUdacity’ after she said ‘black people can be racist too’
Daily Mail | 9/14/22

A senior official in the Pentagon’s education wing who has written books on anti-racism has a history of mocking white people on Twitter, recently-resurfaced posts revealed on Tuesday.

Kelisa Wing is the chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer in the Department of Defense’s Education Activity office, which oversees schooling for children of Pentagon employees including active duty service members.

But before she landed the role, Wing made a few controversial social media posts including one that disparaged a woman for stating that black people ‘can be racist too.’

She’s also listed as an author on several progressive children’s books in a series called ‘Racial Justice In America.’

One book is called ‘What Is White Privilege,’ while another is ‘What Does it Mean To Defund the Police?’

It also asks white children to consider if they will ‘really feel good at the end of the race when you look back and see others fighting obstacles that you didn’t even have?’

‘I’m exhausted with these white folx in these [professional development] sessions,’

[T]his lady actually had the CAUdacity to say that black people can be racist too… I had to stop the session and give Karen the BUSINESS…we are not the majority, we don’t have power.’

Straight Line of the Day: As Autumn Approaches, Democrats Need a Fall Guy. Nominations: …

Straight Line of the Day: As Autumn approaches, Democrats need a fall guy. Nominations: …


Biden Administration Tracks Economy

Caption This!