7:00 PM EST: Biden on East Lawn of White House Holding Bowl of Popcorn Balls for Trick-or-Treaters


Yul Brenner, Telly Savalas Harassed All the Way to Superstardom

Calling Men ‘Bald’ at Work Now Considered Sexual Harassment in the UK
NY Post | May 12, 2022 | Natalie O’Neill

The finding — made by three judges who lament their own lack of locks in the judgment — came in the case of an electrician, Tony Finn, who sued a small Yorkshire-based family business over the term…

The finding also declared that criticizing Finn for his hairless head was “degrading” and “humiliating.”

How does Waldo Baldo want people to describe the appearance of his head?

Analogy With San Francisco’s Problems in 3…2…1

Tenacious ‘Trash Parrots’ [Cockatoos] Locked in Escalating ‘Arms Race’ With Humans Down Under
livescience.com | Harry Baker

Residents in the suburbs of Sydney, Australia, are in the midst of an escalating feud with a neighboring population of wild sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita) over an unlikely prize: household trash. While this conflict may sound comical, researchers report that it shows all the signs of an “innovation arms race,” in which two species become trapped in a cycle of behavioral changes as they continually try to one-up or outthink one another.

The sharp-witted cockatoos have earned the unflattering nickname “trash parrots” after learning to open up flip-top garbage bins to pillage their contents. In 2018, videos shared online showed the resourceful birds grabbing onto the rims of bin lids with their beaks or feet, shimmying down toward the hinge and eventually flipping the plastic covers entirely off the containers. After watching the footage, researchers investigated the behavior and found that the cockatoos were working out how to open the bins by observing one another, which is known as social learning.

Since then, local residents have deployed numerous countermeasures — including bricks, sticks, locks and even rubber snakes — to prevent the cunning cockatoos from inadvertently covering the streets in trash. However, not all these countermeasures have proven to be effective at outwitting the cockatoos, who continue to outsmart the humans and break into bins where they can.

These countermeasures ranged from simple solutions, such as weighing down the lid with bricks or water bottles, to more ingenious ideas.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Mr. “Lurch & In Charge” in Action

… or should that be “inaction”?

(Possibly waiting for his Chinese handlers — or some other Eastern Bunny — to grab him.)

Straight Line of the Day: Why You Should Be Happy About Inflation: …

Tone-Deaf Fortune Mag Headline: ‘Why You Should Be Happy About Inflation’
NewsBusters | 9/21/2022 | Joseph Vazquez

Fortune magazine ran one of the dumbest liberal takes on inflation yet. Its propaganda piece even puts fraudulent economists like Paul Krugman to shame.

The liberal magazine had the audacity to publish a tone-deaf inflation story with the headline: “Why you should be happy about inflation and worried about something else, top economist Brad DeLong says.” The magazine pushed the insane propaganda of University of California, Berkeley Professor Brad DeLong who reportedly said that so-called “‘reopening inflation’” has “‘so far been a very good thing.’” The liberal rag continued: “DeLong argues that there is a major economic shift taking place that people should welcome. It all has to do with our strange but kind of wonderful post-pandemic economy.”

Straight Line of the Day: Why you should be happy about inflation: …

I’ll Get Around To Calling Turkey “Türkiye” Right After I Stop Thinking of Pluto as a Planet

… and start calling monkeypox “mpox” or something.


Not too wild about seeing Kiev become Kyiv, either.

Cartoons and Memes

“Good morning Miss Welch, what’s cooking?”

“Some really wild memes Sir, just like you like it.”

“You know what I like Rocky, you sure do.”

“My pleasure Sir.”

“Mine as well.”