Note: This Was Holiday News Back in 2021

CDC Director Drops Bombshell Calling COVID Testing Protocol Into Question
Red State | 12/29/2021 | Nick Arama

LATEST: The Newly Updated CDC Guidelines Don’t Require Testing at the End of Isolation Because PCR Tests Can Stay Positive for up to 12 Weeks, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky tells @GMA.

ABC News (@ABC) December 29, 2021


The newly updated CDC guidelines don’t require testing at the end of isolation because PCR tests can stay positive for up to 12 weeks, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told “Good Morning America” Wednesday. “So we would have people in isolation for a very long time if we were relying on PCRs,” Walensky explained.

Wait, what?

So you mean that the tests aren’t accurate to tell if you still have the virus now?

And that you’re just telling us that they might throw positives for up to 12 weeks, even after you might no longer be contagious?

Why are we only hearing about this now from the CDC?

How long have they known this?

All kinds of people and businesses have been making decisions based on these tests. They’ve factored into restrictions and lockdowns, and now we hear that they may not be accurate?

Why, then, was so much built around them?

So they’re just eliminating the need for testing after isolation?

How do you know then when you are no longer contagious if you’re now telling us the tests aren’t a good indicator?

Then what you’re saying is that you’re just picking a random time to end isolation, after which you may or may not still be contagious?


  1. Arbitrary number. They love arbitrary numbers. Know that 2.0c temperature rise that must be stopped at all cost or else the world ends? Made up. Seriously. They are going to destroy the world over an arbitrary number.

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